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The icon "skill"
is located on the bottom panel between bag icon and assignment list icon. It is used to identify the class status of the character, the list of skills that falls under that particular class and the subsequent subclasses options that the character might have to choose from with their list of new skills under each of subclasses.
Types of Abilities:
The abilities are of two types:
Active skills - usually labeled as green color in the skill window
and found in fast bar which can be used by character.
Passive skills -usually labeled as blue color in the skill window
, applied automatically, in the presence of triggering conditions.
| Name
| Description
| Operating principle
| Knives
| This ability allows the character to use knife in their hands for close combat.
| Without this skill a character can not use knives.
| Robes
| This ability allows the character to wear leather protective equipment.
| Without this skill a character can not wear cloth armor.
| Minor Healing
| Immediately renovates a certain amount of health of the target.
| Healing spells start from lower levels. Restores a small amount of health.
| Fired Sword
| Apart from the main damage, produces one time additional damage.
| Attacking military skill starting level. Inflicts a fixed number of additional damage which is not influenced by the parameters.
| Spark
| The enemy is hit with sparks of fire.
| Attacking spell from starting level. Causes fire damage to the current target. Damage depends on the additional magic damage. Reload time is nil. The damage radius - average.
| Holy weapon
| Causes the Weapon inflict more damage and a chance to have critical hit is increased.
| Buffs appears in starting level. Increases base damage of weapons of character and increases the critical chance by physical attacks. Duration is 2 mins.
| Weakening
| It curses the enemy reducing its strength and mobility.
| A Debilitating spell from 1st level. It lowers the damage and attack speed as well movement of the enemy. Striking current target. Have the duration of 30 sec.
| Retreat
| If the character is badly wounded, his mobility is increased by 10%
| Passive ability at the starting level. Allows you to escape from strong monsters.
| Evasion
| With this skill the character can escape the enemy's attack as well as escape from the damages.
| Without this skill a character can not shy away from physical melee attacks.
Skills class Shaman
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Magic Arrow
| Magic charges harm the enemy.
| Attacking spell. Deals with a single target. Magic arrow is astral magic type. The damage depends on the extra magic damage. The radius of destruction - high.
| Mana Regeneration
| Through training, shaman learns fast regeneration of mana when not in fight
| Without this skill your character regenerates mana slowly.
| Fast Magic
| Time pronouncing all spells reduced.
| Slightly increases the speed of switching between spells
| Critical Hit
| The chance of critical damage from this spell increases by 2%
| Increases chance to have critical hit by spells.
| Passiveness
| Increases the protection of the player by 1 for every level
| If the character does not move or not cast spell, he raises the level of protection. This increases his armor and reduces the chance of a critical or crushing blow to him.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Countering
| With this skill athlete can defend enemy attacks in close combat and avoid receiving damage, if in his hands a weapon or shield.
| Without this skill a character can not parry melee attacks.
| Disarming
| The enemy will be disarmed at once, and will not be able to attack with weapon for some time.
| Disarm the enemy, denying the attack, requiring the use of weapons. Mobs get panic and try to escape from the character.
| Health Regeneration
| Health of the fighter recovers faster than usual.
| Without this skill a character out of combat health regenerates slowly.
| Light Armor
| This ability allows the athlete to wear mail type of protective gear.
| Without this skill a character cannot wear mail armor
| Powerful Blow
| Strongman's attack caused a forceful damage, directly depended on the hero's power.
| Military attacking ability. Requires a melee weapon in the hands of the character. Damage depends on the strength of character. Striking current target.
| War Cry
| The inspiring battle-cry increases the mobility of group members by 100.
| Military strengthens skills. Increases mobility for 15 mins - the attack power of your character, pets, and members of the group. The effect includes up to 5 friendly targets. Range - average.
| Name
| Function
| Description
| Air Shield
| It protects the magician from arrows, missile weapon and the magic words of each elemental magic.
| The protective shield increases resistance to piercing injury and protection from magic elements. Does not work with other spells such as armor.
| Dual staffs
| This skill allows the use of two-handed staffs.
| Without this skill the character cannot use the two-handed staffs.
| Ice Ring
| The circle of ice around the target causes damages to all enemies in the zone of action
| Attacking spell of water magic damage. Damage is depended on the extra water/all magic damage. It attacks all the mobs in a small radius around the target. Effective casualty radius-high.
| Lightning
| Lightning damages four of nearest enemies
| Attacking spell of air magic damage. Damage is depended on the extra air/all magic damage. It jumps over on the chain from the current purpose on its neighbors. It strikes to 4 enemies. Effective casualty radius - high.
| Magic Shield
| The enemy's attack can generate a magic shield, which absorbs some of the receiving damages.
| The shield, which generates upon the physical attacks on the sorcerers, absorbs a specific quantity of damage, after which it disappears.
| Strength of the Earth
| All companions in the group start damaging additionally by earth magic
| Attacks and spells by all characters, companions and members of the group in the area of the buff/aura are increased by the magic of earth.
Skills class Healer
| Name
| Function
| Description
 | Curing | Renovates large amount of health of the target | Healing spell, more effective than minor healing. Amount of healing is depended on the extra magic. Range- high
 | Dispersion of Evil | It takes one effect of the death magic off the group members | Takes off one bad spells or magic from the group members
 | Hammers | It enables the hero to use one-handed hammers | Without the skill, the character cannot use hammer which is better than knifes
 | Holistic Healing | Magic words of recovery are by 15 more effective | Increases the amount of healing spells at a certain circumstances
 | Light Armor | It allows the character to wear protective Hauberk garments | Hauberk armors is stronger than leather armors and can withstand more damage. Without the skill the character will be unable to wear them
 | Radiance | Damage is inflicted to enemies in the zone of action and health is increased for every hit target | Causes life magic damage to the opponents within small radius. For each hit from the enemy, the character receives health points. The amount of damage and health received is depended on the extra magic damage. Range- low
 | Regeneration | Gradually restores health of target for every second for 15 | Healing spell with the duration of 15 seconds. Every second healing amount is depended on the extra magic damage. Range- high
 | Shields | Allow the character to have a shield with a light weapon for close combat | With this skill allow the character the advantage of using shields and increasing the armor level.
 | Wrath of the Heavens | It inflicts life magic damage | Attacking spell, causing life magic damage. Amount of damage is depended on the extra magic injury. Range- high
Skills class Hunter
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Accurate Shot
| The shot caused damage, which directly depends on the strength of the distance attack.
| Attacking military skill. It requires the presence of bow in the hands. It inflicts damage, depending on the strength of attack on the distance. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Average Armor
| This skill makes hunter to wear chain armor protective equipment.
| Without this skill the character cannot wear the chain armor armors
| Bows
| This skill allows the hunter to use bows and arrows
| Without this skill the character will not be able to use bow
| Dexterity
| The armor of the character is increased by 25 for the level of the character
| Increases a quantity of armor, depending on the level of character.
| Fast Shooting
| Hunter begins to shoot more rapid than earlier.
| Increases the speed of usual shots from the bow within time frame.
| Monster Attention
| When the arrows hits the target, the attention of all the monsters is drawn to the target
| Raise the number of aggression nearest to the target monster to 120%.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Attracting Attention
| The shot caused damage, which directly depends on the strength of the distance attack
| Character obtains 120% of aggressiveness in the current purpose.
| Average Armor
| As a result trainings warrior learns to wear a suit of armor
| Without this skill the character cannot bear the platemail armors
| Command cry
| It increases the attack power, mobility of the group members by points and sustained power for the level by 1.
| The skill increases mobility, force of attack and endurance in character, pet and members of group for a period of time 15 mins. Radius of action - average.
| Defensive Stand
| Foreign attacks cause the hero have 10% less damage and his actions make the enemy more angry.
| The damage obtained by character reduces and increases doubly the threat, created by the attacks of character.
| Interception
| Stuns the enemy for 2 and allows shortening the distance.
| Reduces distance with the enemy and deafens him for some time. Small effective casualty radius.
| Shields
| The character is permitted to have a shield with a light weapon for close combat
| Without this skill the character cannot wear the shields.
| Shield Strike
| The shield blow depends on the hero’s power, it breaks saying of a magic word and it makes the enemy angry.
| Attacking military ability. Applied during the utterance of enemy spells which break the spell. Damage ability depends on the strength. The level of threat posed by the ability is double. Ability does not work with the slap in the face shield.
| Strengthened Armor
| As a result trainings warrior learns more effectively to use platemail armors.
| Character obtains additional health for every 500 units of armor. Ability does not work together with the ideal armor.
| Swords
| It enables the hero to use one-handed swords
| Without this skill the character cannot use the swords
| Vengeance
| After warding off the attack, the hero will strike in return with 30% chance, causing 70 of extra damage and he can disarm.
| After successful countering the character has a chance to deliver reverse attack, with the additional fixed loss and having chance to disarm enemy.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Average Armor
| Allow to wear protective chain armor garment
| Without this skill the character cannot wear chain mail armors.
| Backlash
| After warding off an enemy attack, the hero will strike in return with 30% chance, damaging 73.
| After successful countering there is chance to deliver the retaliatory attack, increased at a certain fixed value.
| Battle Scars
| Soldier is so covered with the scars of battles that his skin became more strongly.
| Physical damage to the warrior reduces.
| Lunge
| It can decrease the armor of the enemy by 100. This effect is summed up to 5 times. It is possible to reset the reading of the enemy’s magic words.
| Attacking military spell. That used during the exposure to enemy’s spell - breaks incantation. So each application reduces armor of enemy, which increases damage in it by physical attacks.
| Running Start Strike
| Stuns the enemy for 2 and allows shortening the distance.
| Military attacking spell. It allows moving closer to the enemy. Doesn’t work through the obstacles. It deafens enemy for small quantity of time. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Slowing
| With 100% chance reduces enemy’s speed by a number.
| The attack of character slows down enemy on the period.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Fire Armor
| It increases the hazard of the critical strike with the magic words by % and makes damages with fire and air increased by a number
| The armor increases the critical, increase base weapons damage; fire spell and air spell damages. The duration of armor is 720 mins. The spell can be given on any group member. It is only useful with air and fire magic.
| Fireball
| The ball of fire explodes in the indicated point, damaging value amount to all who are in the zone of action.
| The fireball explodes on the targeted location damaging enemies (to 5 purposes) using fire magic. Loss depends on additional magic damage. Effective casualty radius - large.
| Fire Within
| The target cannot move, attack or defend himself and it gives 345 of damage per second for the total period of the spell
| Stunning spell. The inflicting damage is fire type. Deafens enemy and cause fire damage every second for 5 sec. The value of damage depends on additional loss by magic. Effective casualty radius - small.
| Hell Forge
| Armor suits and weapons of the enemy become red hot, causing high damage starting from 2400.
| Fire spells damage, very strong damage on the target. A quantity of loss depends on additional harm by magic. Effective casualty radius - average
| Lightning Arrows
| Lightning arrows damage 135 of the enemies standing two cells far from the hero.
| Lightning arrows create cone like disperse spell from the character, striking to three enemies with the magic of air. Damage depends on additional magic damage.
| Magic Absorption
| The incoming spells from the enemies instead of causing harms will absorb the damage and in also elevate the mana depending on the force of attack.
| With a certain chance, the incoming spells, which fell on the character, instead of putting harm, will restore mana. Quantity of mana depends on the force spell.
| Shocking Magic
| The magic of elements is more effective in the area of magic word coverage; the damage by the magic of elements is increased by 100.
| In the zone of action of aura additional damage are added to all elemental spells by the fixed value.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Earthquake
| All but the group members lose direction and weapons and invisibles come out of the hidden area.
| Enemies, who hit with the spell, fall under the effects of disorientation and disarmament. The effect of disorientation is removed by damage. Effective casualty radius - large.
| Ice Armor
| Increases the hazard of the critical strike with the magic words by a value % and makes additional value damage with water and earth magic
| The chance of the critical impact by spells rises and damage rises by water and earth spells. It does not work with other spells.
| Ice Giant
| The health increased and the damage of the cold magic made by the hero grows.
| The base health of character and the harm, applied by the magic of water will increase after the substituted critical impact with a certain chance.
| Ice Storm
| Snow and ice blast flies from the hero to the target, having a value damage to all who are on its way.
| Icy storm goes from the character to the purpose, striking on the way of its movement to 3 enemies with the magic of water. Damage depends on additional magic damage. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Meteorite Rain
| Meteorite shower damages a certain amount of value to all who are in the zone of action.
| To 4 purposes in the zone of action of spell, the damage is obtained by the earth magic. The value of damage depends on additional magic damage. Effective casualty radius – large.
| Wall of Ice
| The impassable wall of ice appears in the specified place, preventing from movement.
| On the way of enemy builds the ice wall, which cannot be passed through, but it is possible to shoot and to use spell. Enemy, who fell under the effect of ice wall, is frozen to the place.
| Wrath of the Earth
| The circle of energy starts from the hero, damaging everybody except the group members by the magic of water and earth.
| Three waves, which are dispersed from the character, inflict damages by the magic of water and earth. The value of damage depends on additional magic damage. Effective casualty radius - small.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Hidden Reserves
| It adds 1000 of health and 2000 of mana to all the heroes in the group in its lvl 1.
| Aura, which increases a good quantity of health and mana to character, pet and to the group members, who are located in the radius of action.
| Guardian-Angel
| If the health rate falls under 20% he receives some health value once.
| If the health of the target falls below 20%, the target obtains uni-fold healing. The size of health depends on additional damage by magic.
| Rally
| If a member of group dies, other members of the group increased HP by 1500.
| The base health of character, pets and other members of group increases with death of a member of the group.
| General Regeneration
| If target with this effect is hit and the hit was supposed to kill it, target receives 3092 health.
| If a target with this spell, gets a fatal spell which will reduce his health to 0 or less, due to the spell instead of fatal faith he gets health from the hit. Health received is depended on the additional magic damage.
| Radiance of Life
| It recovers the surrounding members of the group immediately, adding 25535 of the health to them.
| It heals character, pets and the group members in certain radius from the character. Size of health depends on additional loss by magic.
| Numbness
| It adds 600 of health and takes all the long-term effects of arms and poisons off the group members.
| It increases the base maximum of the health of character, pets and members of group in the radius of action of spell and decreases the time of action of negative effects.
| Last Chance
| When a critical health level, the armor, health and effectiveness of magic words are increased by 50%.
| If the health of character descends below 30%, its base maximum of health grows, armor becomes stronger, and additional loss increases by magic by 50%
Skills class Wizard
| Name
| Function
| Description
| Resurrection
| With 50% chance, the dead group member will rise having 50% health and mana
| The member of group with 50% of health and mana raises
| General Regeneration
| Is restored health gradually in entire period of action, the time of action of the deafening, dazzling and disorienting effects decreases
| The spell of healing, whose effect they will extend in the time. A quantity of healed health depends on extra magic damage. It acts on 3 friendly purposes. The time of action of negative effects is reduced. Radius of action - high.
| Life Restoration
| Immediately restores large amount of health
| Very good healing spell. Its healing amount is depended on the extra magic damage
| Better Healing
| Heal large number of health and has a chance to remove Deafening or another lasting harmful effect.
| More effective than usual healing has chance to remove negative effect from the target. A quantity of healed health depends on extra magic damage.
| Full Restoration
| The forces of life restore the large volume of health and mana of target.
| Is restored a significant quantity of health and polygon of purpose, a quantity depends on additional loss by magic.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Avoidance
| The chance to escape the enemy’s attacks is increased by 1%.
| Increases the chance of evasion of the character.
| Deadly Arrow
| Dead shot of the hero kills the badly wounded enemy, when he has 20% or less of the health.
| When in enemy remain less than 20% health, shot becomes active. damage directly depends on the strength of attack on the distance. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Eagle Eye
| Archery range is increased by 1
| The distance of shooting from the bow increases
| Evil Shot
| Shooting at the vulnerable point, Shots deals more damage on enemy.
| Shot inflicts damage, depending on the strength of the attack on the distance plus the additional fixed value. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Hail of Arrows
| The hero makes a quick shot at several enemies, causing damage which depends on his skills.
| Shot inflicts damage, directly depended on dexterity of character. It is surprisingly effects to 5 enemies. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Lethal Shot
| Shot slows down the enemy by 40% and breaks saying of the magic words
| The shot, activates with the enemies spells casting - breaks incantation. So the speed of the movement of enemy strongly falls.
| Silence
| The enemy , hit by a shot, is not able to say magic words for 3 sec.
| Prevents the utterance of spells for some time.
| Poison Arrow
| Enemy receives 10% less effect from the incoming healing for 20.
| If an enemy receives this arrow, their healing effect will be reduced, for the total duration of the spell. This includes both the healing with the aid of the elixirs or spells of healers.
| Wizard's Arrows
| With 100% chance the shot will add mana to the hero in the quantity equal to 20% of the damage.
| Shot inflicts the damage, whose part is added to the mana of character.
Skills class Spy
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Deep Wounds
| The arrows cause a damage, depending on the power of a distance attack and extra 40 damage initially per 10.
| Shot inflicts physical damage, directly depending on the attack strenght and the fixed quantity of loss in time. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Armor Piercing Arrows
| With 15% chance the shot will decrease the armoour of the enemy by a fixed value, starting from 150, this effect is summed up to 3 times.
| Shot reduces armor of enemy, increasing physical damage in it.
| Hail of Arrows
| Spraying the space in front of him with arrows, the hunter causes damage, depending on his skill.
| Shot inflicts damage, directly depending on the dexterity of character; it surprises unto 4 enemies. Radius of action - average.
| Sower of Panic
| When the target is hit with an arrow, it turns the enemy back. It has effect on five persons within the attacking range.
| Shot does not bring loss, but it turns to flight to 5 enemies. Enemy cannot attack, use spell or consume potions. Damage brings down this state.
| Fire Arrows
| When the target is hit with arrows, they burst, causing fire damage to everybody; damage is equal to the ordinary one.
| Explosion inflicts the fire damage, equal to the damage of usual shot. This damage is not absorbed by armor. It is surprised to 5 enemies, effective casualty radius - average.
| Vampire Arrows
| With 100% chance the shot will add health to the hero in the quantity equal to 20% of the damage.
| Shot inflicts loss and character restores health in the volume, equal to the specific part of this loss.
| Arrow of Insanity
| When having an arrow, the enemy with the chance of 100% falls into rage and attacks the near surface.
| The characters of other players attack near essence of one of the accessible abilities, monsters - fall into rabies.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Pole Axe
| Allow to use a battle-axe.
| Without this skill the character cannot use the poleaxes
| Sandstorm
| A serious blow on the enemies within easy reach. Damage depends on the might of the character.
| Impact on the nearest targets to the character. Damage depends on the strength of character and catches to 5 enemies. Effective casualty radius - low.
| Deaf Defense
| The wounded hero for 10 sec has 10% less damage, the basic health is increased by 20%.
| When the health of character falls below 20%, then the damage, obtained by character is reduced to 10%, and the maximum of base health grows by 20%
| Bodyguard
| The attack, led at one of the group members, hits the hero.
| Damage is inflicted to character, but not the purpose of attack.
| Deflection of Arrows
| The hero has an opportunity to ward off an arrow attack.
| Without this skill it is not possible it to counter the attack of distant battle.
| Ideal Armor
| The hero increases his skill of wearing armor suit, health and ability by 35 for the level.
| For every 500 units of armor the character obtains additional health and dexterity. Ability does not work together with Strengthened Armor.
| Indestructible Wall
| Wounded to death hero focuses on his defense, having less damage by (sign) 40%, but losing (sign) 250 of his mobility.
| If the health of character falls below 15%, then damage according to the character decreases by 40%, but the mobility of character falls.
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Poleaxe
| Allows to use a battle-axe.
| Without this skill it is not possible to use the poleaxes.
| Spirit Strength
| With 15% chance the attack has a chance of recovering the group member’s mana. It depends on the strength of the hero’s attack.
| Strong blow cause damage and adds mana to him and group members as well.
| Mirror Blades
| If character takes magical damage 10% of it reflected and hits the enemy.
| With a certain chance reflects part of the damage of magic in nature attacks back into the enemy.
| Attraction of Spells
| Malicious magic word, directed at one of the group members, hits the hero.
| The directed harm spell, make some damage to the character, but not for the purpose of the spells.
| Invulnerability to Poison
| The poisons do not have an effect on the hero.
| Character is immune to the damage, inflicted by poisons.
| Deflection of Magic
| After warding off the enemy’s attack, the hero will strike in return with 30% chance.
| Without this skill cannot be countered the incantations.
| Shield Blow
| A blow with eh shield inflicts damage to the opponent with a possibility of 10% deafens him for 3 sec.
| Attacking military ability. That used during the utterance by the enemy of incantation - breaks incantation. The loss of ability directly depends on the strength of character. The level of the threat, created by ability, is twice size. Ability does not work together with the Shield Strike
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Axes
| Allows to use one-handed axes
| Without this skill the character cannot use the axes.
| Tactical Pair
| The character can have a second weapon in the left hand and use both weapons at the same time.
| Without this skill it cannot be borne axe in the second hand
| Double Strike
| The hero attacks heavily with the two close assault weapons in his hands simultaneously.
| The impact damage is directly depends on the strength of character.
| Blade Thrower
| The hero attacks the enemy distantly with the close assault weapon.
| The damage of the thrust directly depends on the attack strength of character. Effective casualty radius - small.
| Inspiring Shout
| It increased the mobility of the group members by 300, the attack power by 300 and power by 1 for the level of the hero.
| The skill increases mobility, attack strength and strength of the character, pets and members of group. Radius of action - average. Duration 30mins.
| Fan made of Blades
| The hero delivers series of attacks on the nearest enemies, including the invisible ones.
| Usual damage, which catches to 5 enemies simultaneously.
| Dance of Death
| The attack rate of the hero is increased by 20 millisecond.
| The rate of the usual attacks of character increases.
| Whirlpool of Blades
| The hero’s attacks damage 50 additionally.
| All attacks of character bring the additional fixed harm
Skills class Knight
| Name
| Function
| Operating principle
| Two-handed Sword
| Allows to use double-hand sword.
| Without this weapon the character cannot use the two-handed swords.
| Windmill
| Powerful attack on the enemies, trooping around, depends on the attack power and it throws them away.
| The loss of ability directly depends on the attach strength of character. Rejection interrupts the spell castings. It is surprised to 5 targets. Effective casualty radius - low.
| Frightening
| All the enemies in the zone of action lose 500 of their attack power and 250 of thier mobility in the initial lvl.
| Enemies in the radius of action lose mobility and attack strength, effect catches to 5 enemies, effective casualty radius - low.
| Destruction
| Smashs the enemy, damage directly depends on strength.
| Impact, directly depending on the attack strength of character.
| Kill
| The finishing attack is available, if the enemy has less then 20% of his life, damage depends on the attack power.
| When in enemy remain less than 20% health, impact becomes active. Loss directly depends on the attack strength on the distance. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Magic Weapon
| With 25% chance the hero's attacks will cause 425 initally of extra damage to the casual magic.
| With a certain probability any of the attacks of character will inflict additional damage by the randomly selected type of magic.
| Strength of life
| Strong blow has a chance to add health to the companions-in-arms of champion.
| The impact caused damage and in return added health to character.