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Spy.Becoming a firestarter, the reconnaissance scout obtains a capability becoming a person who scares, and to attack the opponent with a series of fire arrows. In this way ordinary damage is inflicted but also the opponents gets burns by fire. Spy also have ability to reduce the enemy’s armor. Hunter can select the class Spy at the level 31.
Spy Skills
| Function
| Operating principle
| Deep Wounds
| The arrows cause a damage, depending on the power of a distance attack and extra 40 damage initially per 10.
| Shot inflicts physical damage, directly depending on the attack strenght and the fixed quantity of loss in time. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Penetrating Arrows
| With 15% chance the shot will decrease the armoour of the enemy by a fixed value, starting from 150, this effect is summed up to 3 times.
| Shot reduces armor of enemy, increasing physical damage in it.
| Shower of Arrows
| Spraying the space in front of him with arrows, the hunter causes damage, depending on his skill.
| Shot inflicts damage, directly depending on the dexterity of character; it surprises unto 4 enemies. Radius of action - average.
| Sower of Panic
| When the target is hit with an arrow, it turns the enemy back. It has effect on five persons within the attacking range.
| Shot does not bring loss, but it turns to flight to 5 enemies. Enemy cannot attack, use spell or consume potions. Damage brings down this state.
| Fire Arrows
| When the target is hit with arrows, they burst, causing fire damage to everybody; damage is equal to the ordinary one.
| Explosion inflicts the fire damage, equal to the damage of usual shot. This damage is not absorbed by armor. It is surprised to 5 enemies, effective casualty radius - average.
| Vampire Arrows
| With 100% chance the shot will add health to the hero in the quantity equal to 20% of the damage.
| Shot inflicts loss and character restores health in the volume, equal to the specific part of this loss.
| Arrow of Insanity
| When having an arrow, the enemy with the chance of 100% falls into rage and attacks the near surface.
| The characters of other players attack near essence of one of the accessible abilities, monsters - fall into rabies.
Spy Skills
Spy Skills
| Function
| Operating principle
| Deep Wounds
| The arrows cause a damage, depending on the power of a distance attack and extra 40 damage initially per 10.
| Shot inflicts physical damage, directly depending on the attack strenght and the fixed quantity of loss in time. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Penetrating Arrows
| With 15% chance the shot will decrease the armoour of the enemy by a fixed value, starting from 150, this effect is summed up to 3 times.
| Shot reduces armor of enemy, increasing physical damage in it.
| Hail of Arrows
| Spraying the space in front of him with arrows, the hunter causes damage, depending on his skill.
| Shot inflicts damage, directly depending on the dexterity of character; it surprises unto 4 enemies. Radius of action - average.
| Sower of Panic
| When the target is hit with an arrow, it turns the enemy back. It has effect on five persons within the attacking range.
| Shot does not bring loss, but it turns to flight to 5 enemies. Enemy cannot attack, use spell or consume potions. Damage brings down this state.
| Fire Arrows
| When the target is hit with arrows, they burst, causing fire damage to everybody; damage is equal to the ordinary one.
| Explosion inflicts the fire damage, equal to the damage of usual shot. This damage is not absorbed by armor. It is surprised to 5 enemies, effective casualty radius - average.
| Vampire Arrows
| With 100% chance the shot will add health to the hero in the quantity equal to 20% of the damage.
| Shot inflicts loss and character restores health in the volume, equal to the specific part of this loss.
| Arrow of Insanity
| When having an arrow, the enemy with the chance of 100% falls into rage and attacks the near surface.
| The characters of other players attack near essence of one of the accessible abilities, monsters - fall into rabies.
Level of character 31
Level of character 36
Level of character 40
- Armor Piercing Arrows level 1
Level of character 42
Level of character 44
- Hail of Arrows level 1
- Armor Piercing Arrows level 2
Level of character 46
Level of character 50
- Sower of Panic level 1
- Deep Wounds level 4
Level of character 52
Level of character 54
Level of character 56
- Fire Arrows level 1
- Armor Piercing Arrows level 3
Level of character 58
Level of character 60
- Hail of Arrows level 4
- VampireArrows level 1
- Sower of Panic level 2
Level of the character 65
- Arrow of insanity level 1
Glory Items of Spies