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Front-line Soldier specializes in the battle with the enemies using spells and attacks at a great distance. He plays the role of distant attacker that succeeds in damaging the magicians of enemy and enticing monsters pointers. So, Front-line Soldier can poison and thereby affects reduces the health of the enemy. The class Hunter will have the option to choose between Spy and Front-line Soldier at the level 31.
Front-line S. Skills
| Function
| Operating principle
| Eagle Eye
| Archery range is increased by 1
| The distance of shooting from the bow increases
| Poison Arrow
| Enemy receives 10% less effect from the incoming healing for 20.
| If an enemy receives this arrow, their healing effect will be reduced, for the total duration of the spell. This includes both the healing with the aid of the elixirs or spells of healers.
| Silence
| The enemy , hit by a shot, is not able to say magic words for 3 sec.
| Prevents the utterance of spells for some time.
| Avoidance
| The chance to escape the enemy’s attacks is increased by 1%.
| Increases the chance of evasion of the character.
| Evil Shot
| Shooting at the vulnerable point, Shots deals more damage on enemy.
| Shot inflicts damage, depending on the strength of the attack on the distance plus the additional fixed value. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Hail of Arrows
| The hero makes a quick shot at several enemies, causing damage which depends on his skills.
| Shot inflicts damage, directly depended on dexterity of character. It is surprisingly effects to 5 enemies. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Deadly Arrow
| Dead shot of the hero kills the badly wounded enemy, when he has 20% or less of the health.
| When in enemy remain less than 20% health, shot becomes active. damage directly depends on the strength of attack on the distance. Effective casualty radius - average.
| Wizard's Arrows
| With 100% chance the shot will add mana to the hero in the quantity equal to 20% of the damage.
| Shot inflicts the damage, whose part is added to the mana of character.
| Lethal Shot
| Shot slows down the enemy by 40% and breaks saying of the magic words
| The shot, activates with the enemies spells casting - breaks incantation. So the speed of the movement of enemy strongly falls.
Front-line Soldier Skills
Front-line Soldier Skills
| Character:
| 31
| 36
| 40
| 44
| 46
| 50
| 52
| 54
| 56
| 58
| 60
| 63
| 65
| Eagle Eye
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Poison Arrow
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Grade 3
| Grade 4
| Silence
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Grade 3
| Avoidance
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Grade 3
| Evil Shot
| Grade 1
| Hail of Arrows
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Grade 3
| Deadly Arrow
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Wizard's Arrows
| Grade 1
| Grade 2
| Grade 3
| Lethal Shot
| Grade 1
Glory Items of Front-Line Soliders