Three Flags
From FragoriaWiki
Capture the Flag a team play game
The game starts daily at 17:00 server time.
To join...
- To join the game you need to buy a ticket from Tournament clerk and go to the game portal. Each portal define a team your char will start the game with.
- Preparation for the game starts in 30 mins before the game. From this moment you can enter the game field.
- Each team must contain two players minimum. Maximum is 10 players.
To win...
- Your goal is to capture 10 flags and bring them to your base faster then your enemies would do the same. The bases are situated at the opposite sides of the map.
- Victory goes to the team first brought 10 enemy flags to their base or to the team captured more flags to the game end.
Players 20+ can join the game.
- Prizes are 50 copper coins and experience boost +30%