The Castle

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A special PvP game made to pit guilds against each other so that the strongest guild in the server could rise on top.

The game consists of a rectangular land, with a castle in the middle, enclosed by a moat. There are four bridges that allow access to the Inner Castle. The playing field has 4 entry points in the game (they are the points of recovery).

Entrance into the game is in Fragotown, the Archer's County, in north-western corner of the town


The name of the guild that captured the castle will be displayed on a special statue, installed in Fragotown. Also, all members of the guild, in the perimeter at the end of the game.

If the game ended in a draw (for example, two guilds have the same number of members inside the castle) - statue remains with the previous winner.


The game is played once a week on Saturdays at 20:00.

The game has no limit on the number of participants.

The size of the group is the usual - 10 people group, but each guild can create more than one group. In general, there is no limit on the number of participants from each guild.

Victory is calculated as:
1. In a test area is considered the number of people and are elected by the guild with a maximum.
1.1. If this maximum - zero, it is considered a draw.
1.2. If such a guild - it is a winner.
1.3. If such a guild, then they turn into p.2.
2. It is the sum of levels of people for guilds, selected in paragraph one. Selects the guild with a minimum level.
2.1. If such a guild - it is a winner.
2.2. If such a guild, then they go in Section 3.
3. We believe the number of deaths for all the characters they play, which are in the test zone. Choosing a guild with a minimum amount of deaths.
3.1. If such a guild - it is a winner.
3.2. If more than one - nobody.


In a test area at the time of completion of the game were four guilds: A, B, C, D, as follows:
Guild A: 4 65h-level died 1 time.
Guild B: 4 59h level, died 1 time.
Guild: 4 59h-level, 2 died 1 time and 2 never.
Guild F: 3 59h-level, 2 died 1 time and 1 never.

1. Select the guild with the highest number of fighters: A, B, B. If a single managed to bring one more soldier - she would have won.
2. We believe the amount of levels. Obviously, the guild And flies. Remaining B and C. Again, if even one 59ka was below the level - it would have won the guild.
3. We believe the amount of deaths: 4 and 2. V. Wins Guild

If she wins the winners, who are in the test zone receive a commemorative prizes and the title of their guild adorns the statue in the center of Fragorska until the next game.

In the case of a tie: a call does not get anyone on the statue is the name of the winner of the previous game.

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