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New multiphase pvp tournament started on 30th May, 2011. It's phases starts on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Goal and summery: Capturing the status of God (Idol), bring it to own server's city Temple. Installing the idols in own server, idols gives out special buffs to all server players. Later on, players from other servers will attempt to take it away to their server and own server's player will have to defend it.
Phase I: Capturing Idols
Starts on Wednesday, 20:00 server time. Players fight for Idols on Carawan way trying to get them to their own server. In this phase players can't access other servers. Idols spawn on Carawan way every 5 minutes - total of 10 Idols.
Beginning of Phase
30, 20, 10 and 5 minutes before the game starts, a message appears on all servers about event start. When game reloads (at 21:00 server time) «World have lost all blesses». 10 different Idols spawn in Carawan Way; all Idols existing on servers are deleted from Sanctuaries.
Rules of Idols Spawn
- There are several places where Idols can spawn; place is chosen randomly for each Idol
- Idols spawn every 5 minutes
- Idols locations are not marked on map
- Players carrying Idols are marked on map with special icon (star)
Rules of Capturing
- Idols have the same appearance as the flag in "capture the flag" game
- When a player that has the Idols dies - Idol is dropped and any player can pick it up
- Player can't handle the Idol for more then 10 minutes.
- After 10 minutes the player drops the Idol (which is returned back to Carawan).
Idol Drops if:
- Player gets on the mount (horse)
- Player uses teleport scroll
- Player logs out
When player gets to Sanctuary of his own server, he can install an Idol on a special place by standing on corresponding place, after the Idol is installed, the buff starts working. For installing an Idol this player receives 100 gold.
End of phase
Phase ends when all Idols are installed.
Phase II: Siege and Defense of Sanctuary
Starts on Saturday at 18:00.
Players try to get through defense of other servers and capture the Idols from Sanctuaries.
Reward is the same - buff for all players of server where the Idol is installed.
Any player can take part in defense or siege; no level or gear score restriction exists.
Gates to another server
«Gates to another server» are situated on Carawan Way (Coordinates: 122; 44). When a player clicks it - a special form with list of servers appear and player can choose a server that he wants to go to. On selected server path appears in Sanctuary. The way to Idols is blocked by 3 gates.
Gates of Sanctuary
During this phase while Gates to another server are open the player has to go into them, destroy all the gates, capture the idols and return with them to their own server. Along the way where gates are situated there is a gallery where defenders can stand and kill enemies.
Any player can attack the gates. Each character or pet deals 1 damage to gates per hit. Gates save their HP level during the week cycle. Gates have 54000 HP. When gates are under attack - a special message appears on the server that is attacked and the bell on city hall starts ringing, informing players about the attack.To destroy the gates you can also use:
Bombs. Recipe is available at Master of Siege Weapons, who is situated in the beginning of Sanctuary (attacker's side); Alchemist skill is required.
To use the bomb - select the target (gates) and click on the bomb in the inventory (you can also put bomb icon on Quick panel). Damage depends on bomb's type:
Small alchemist bomb = 5 damage (requires skill Alchemist 1)
Massive alchemist bomb = 8 damage (requires skill Alchemist 26)
Destructive alchemist bomb = 13 damage (requires skill Alchemist 51)
Great alchemist bomb = 54 damage (requires skill Alchemist 76)
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Battering ram. Ram is a pet (mammoth). Only 1 ram can exist on a map simultaneously. Recipe can be purchased from Master of Siege Weapons, who you can find inside Sanctuary; recipe requires Beastmaster skill 75. After Ram is put on the character it exists for 5 minutes. Can attack only gates, dealing 270 damage per hit. Has 7.200.000 HP.

When you enter another server you appear in the far end of Sanctuary. You can also enter your own server's Sanctuary through a special entrance situated in Fragotown.
All the Idols that were brought during the game are situated here. Players from other servers can take it by targeting the Idol and coming close to it. When Idol carrier dies - he drops the Idol. If the Idol is not picked up within 5 minutes - it returns to the random place in Carawan Way. Any defender can pick up the Idol and return to the Sanctuary (same mechanics as in capturing), but to bring it to own server you'll have to go through Carawan Way (if gates are not broken).
Death of players
If you die in your own server's sanctuary - you'll resurrect in Fragotown
- Usual resurrection rules
- Coordinates: 83, 66
If you die in enemy's Sanctuary - you'll resurrect in the beginning of this Sanctuary
- Usual resurrection rules
- Coordinates: 269, 29
End of phase:
- Ends on Wednesday at 21:00 server time.
- A message appears «Gates are closing»
- City Hall bell doesn't ring anymore
- Gates in Sanctuary get full HP
- «Gates to another server» turn off
- All players that at this moment are in enemy's Sanctuary are teleported to the village
Idols and buffs
Small Idols give 5% buff to a value when installed;
Great Idols give 10% buff to a value when installed;
If the server has both Small and Great Idols installed at the same time - it receives 15% buff to the value.
Effect is always active, it doesn't matter if the character is on his own server or on cross-server or on the other server.
Smaller Idol of Belbog
Buff: increases amount of gold received from all sources by 5%
Great Idol of Belbog
Buff: increases amount of gold received from all sources by 10%
Greater Idol of Belbog
Buff: increases amount of gold received from all sources by 15%
Smaller Idol of Veles
Buff: increases max HP of all characters by 5%
Idol of Veles
Buff: increases max HP of all characters by 10%
Greater Idol of Veles
Buff: increases max HP of all characters by 15%
Small Idol of Perun
Buff: increases amount of experience received from all sources by 5%
Idol of Perun
Buff: increases amount of experience received from all sources by 10%
Great Idol of Perun
Buff: increases amount of experience received from all sources by 15%
Small Idol of Bereginya
Buff: increases mana and HP regeneration by 5%
Idol of Bereginya
Buff: increases mana and HP regeneration by 10%
Great Idol of Bereginya
Buff: increases mana and HP regeneration by 15%
Small Idol of Mother Earth
Buff: increases max mana of all characters by 5%
Idol of Mother Earth
Buff: increases max HP of all characters by 10%
Greater Idol of Mother Earth
Buff: increases max HP of all characters by 15%