Advanced Leveling: 71+

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Experience Bottles : Transferring from Another Alt

Experience Bottles

After Level 70, experience bottles can be used to increase your character level. A green (level 55) unfilled experience bottle holds 34640 points. It can be posted in the auction for a minimum price of 1000 emeralds and is subject to 4th Trade Union taxes.

Unfilled Experience Bottles

There are a few ways to get unfilled experience bottles so they can later be filled with experience and transferred to the character that you are leveling.

  • Pastures (500 balls) with a character only under level 70
  • Gold signs in wallet (75)
  • Character item in the shop (2500 emeralds)

Filled Experience Bottles

  • You can get filled experience bottles by opening Alliance chests.

Note: Mystery chests and Solid chests opened for emeralds at times hold experience bottles but they are bound to the character and not transferable in the auction.

Transferring Experience Bottles

In cooperation with another person or persons in the game

Leveling Method 1

  • Use a level 70 (or higher) character to collect golden signs.
  • Purchase empty level 55 green experience bottles via wallet (75 gold signs per bottle).
  • Transfer empty bottle via auction to any level 55-69 person that is willing to fill the bottles.
  • Transfer empty bottle via auction to any level 55-69 person that is willing to fill the bottles.

Note: You will require high 4th Trade Union reputation for lowest taxes on both characters.

With your character before it is level 70 (or higher)

  • Keep your character's level at 69 (or lower) to continue gaining experience.
  • Play mini-games to collect experience and golden signs and fill the empty bottles you have purchased or redeemed from pasture rewards.
  • Amass the required amount and store the potion in the bank for later use.

Note: Keep in mind 25 bottles can be stacked in a slot on the bank page so 600 experience bottles for each page.


Wheel Jackpot

Terror Room


Experience Bottles : Transferring from Another Alt

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