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Hunan the first malicious Wages sentencing shop boss jailed

's Court of First Instance sentenced, Zouding You guilty of refusing to pay the labor remuneration convicted, sentenced to 1 year and 6 months and fined 40,tory burch,000 yuan, a one-time payment of 22 labor remuneration of workers, telephone and traveling expenses 120 000 174 yuan. It is reported that Hunan Province, the first case of refusal to pay labor remuneration case. The boss is unable to pay wages on foot, 40-year-old Zouding You Shaoyang people, in February 2009, he and his brother lease Zhuzhou City, Longquan Road, a store run unknown garment factory, employing more than 20 workers,abercrombie france. In July 2011, the garment factory by the Zouding You alone business. Luomou Packers clothing factory, receive a fixed remuneration of 2,hollister,000 yuan per month. The Liu, Tangmou all processing in the factory clothes, remuneration is calculated based on the the clothing different unit price and delivery quantity. Lee, Yang et al responsible for the factory cutting good fabric to take back the processed into finished products, in addition to the normal payment for each dress the part of the utilities and site fees subsidies. On the 16th of each month, Zouding You to above personnel issued last month's remuneration. Unexpectedly, last year, at 4 o'clock on December 6th, the sleeping workers was awakened by a burst of noise. Got up and found the factory machines have been evacuated, and even the kitchen dishes and briquettes the rest did not,tory burch outlet. Not long after, received the Zou Dingyou phone, Zou said own business loss of more than 40 million, has ran Guangzhou, Liu went to the factory to get some valuable stuff arrived in the garment factory clothes Dingzhu sub Ryu owed more than 10,000 yuan processing fees. Ryu edgy rush, factory in addition to a few old-processing machine, nothing. The night before the incident, the factory is still brightly lit started Garment. Until late at night, after the employee from work to rest, Zouding You hire people to car away motorcycles,abercrombie, washing machines and other valuables after the family fled Zhuzhou, after the fifth floor of a private houses placed near Huaihua Second, their phone has been unable to connect or shutdown state. "The boss is on foot." Employees immediately reported to the labor security supervision department, the alarm at the same time. After that, the labor department will be a deadline for rectification letter of instruction issued to Zouding You Shaoyang home sign for his father, did not hear back until the deadline. The case was handed over to the the Lusong Public Security Bureau Longquan police station on file for investigation. January 11 this year, Zouding You in Huaihua by security officers arrested for examination, he said that the books lost in the escape and hide in the process of recording employee labor remuneration. Zou admitted due to the wage issue, but insisted that money. He was subsequently arrested for the crime of malicious Wages criminal detention, the prosecution refused to pay Zouding You commit the crime of labor remuneration to Lusong court prosecution. According to the prosecution to identify, on November 27 last year, to repay their brother debt grounds, Zouding You let his wife be returned by bank transfer brother 60,000 yuan. In for to avoid collective discuss new employees due to the Spring Festival approaching, Zouding You decided to secretly moved with his family. The focus of the trial: whether the defendant malicious Wages Recently, the the Lusong Court of Zouding You refused to pay labor remuneration case of first instance verdict. The trial, the prosecution and the defense dispute focused on whether the: Zou Dingyou behavior constituted the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration Court, public prosecution Zouding You challenge, "Lee, who is I go back and get material processing,abercrombie paris, owed by the contract fee rather than wages; and I did not receive the labor department within a time limit instruction book. "He therefore that they do not constitute the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration. Zouding You defense lawyers argued that Zou's conduct did not constitute the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration, "he does not have the main qualifications of the employer, no labor relationship between the case of victims, but processing contract relationship owed for processing contract fee this case the presiding judge Yang Xinghua said, the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration refers to the transfer of assets or go into hiding to evade the payment of remuneration to the workers or the ability to pay rather than pay workers compensation, the amount is relatively large,hollister, the Government relevant departments ordered to pay but refuses to pay Zouding You behavior had constituted the crime. The labor department in the case of Zouding You abscond, within a time limit instruction book served to the close relatives of the accused, is in line with the relevant laws and regulations. "Clothing factory operated by the defendant fixed plant, machinery, a certain number of employees, and the wages are paid on a regular basis, although not legally registered,oakley lunettes, but should belong to the scope of the employer and his implementation of the behavior of refusing to pay labor remuneration, in line with this crime the main elements of crime. incidental civil plaintiff labor 22 accused Zouding You opened a clothing factory major part of the business, and the long-term, they just have a garment processing, packaging skills, wage income to maintain their own survival ordinary workers do not have the conditions and qualifications as a garment processing contract. Zouding You Quantity qualified by processing payment of remuneration to the worker, workers receive a piecework wages,abercrombie france, rather than processing contract fee. They Zouding You paid labor contract relationship with the defendant Zouding You are not processing, the two sides form a de facto labor relations. "Yang Xinghua commentary, Zouding You would have mastered the books of the calculation of labor remuneration, but evidence is lost because of their escape and hide behavior, they should bear the adverse consequences, finds that the amount of the amount of monies owed to the labor department, to achieve a" large amount " standards. Wages boss jailed for a year and a half Additionally, Zou Dingyou payment of wages to 22 employees filed criminal incidental civil action,piumini moncler, requesting an order Zouding You pay wage arrears totaling 119,174 yuan, 59,587 yuan compensation for lost income, costs, compensation for recourse wages incurred telephone charges, meals, transportation fees, materials fees, a loss of 2,000 yuan,abercrombie pas cher, 220,000 yuan compensation for moral damages solatium, a total of 400,761 yuan. incidental civil plaintiff claims brought Zouding You said only willing to take on 1000 yuan. trial, the admissibility of an incidental civil action meets the legal requirements to become another controversial presiding judge pointed out that Yang Xinghua, refused to pay labor remuneration case review process in accordance with the relevant provisions of the country, the public security organs, the People's Procuratorate, the People's Court can tell worker has filed criminal incidental civil rights, so that the case involves the scope of the criminal incidental civil. raised the case to be accepted there is no legal basis for an incidental civil defense advice of counsel,mulberry outlet, the court inadmissible. identified by the court and found Zouding You refused to pay the the labor compensation charges and was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months and fined 40,000 yuan; Ryu 22 incidental civil plaintiff labor remuneration, telephone charges a one-time payment of one month after the effective date of this judgment, traffic costs, material costs, totaling $ 120,000 zero-174,moncler; dismissed other claims incidental civil plaintiff learned that since May 1,longchamp, 2011 Amendment to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China (8) "official purposes, and refused to pay labor remuneration into the Criminal Punishment of the the outstanding wages evil "weapon". specimens significance as the province's first malicious Wages case, Zhuzhou Lusong District Court judgment on the acts of malicious wages prevalent in society from to a significant deterrent and educational role.</p>

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Ningxia intends to adjust more than 100 items of administrat

Xinhua,abercrombie, Yinchuan, December 13 (Reporter Zou Xinyuan) reporter learned from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region held in the 12th, the Standing Committee, Ningxia will be canceled and the adjustment of 165 administrative examination and approval,hollister, to reduce and avoid duplication of approval to facilitate enterprises and the masses things,abercrombie france. It is understood that since the beginning of this year, Ningxia is running the administrative approval eighth installment of clean-up, Ningxia will be canceled for administrative approval of 58 107 adjustment of administrative examination and approval matters,air jordan pas cher, including the establishment of rural collective enterprises, division, merger,abercrombie, migration closure, termination,abercrombie paris, and change the name of the operating range for approval, house demolition unit qualification,abercrombie paris, organized by the International Education Exhibition approval and parks,tory burch, stadiums, public transport, health permit,oakley lunettes, in order to facilitate the masses and improve government efficiency,hollister. Said Wang Zhengwei, chairman of the autonomous region,hollister, Ningxia has seven times canceled and clean up the administrative examination and approval matters, canceled a total of 852 of the administrative examination and approval, adjustment 149,abercrombie pas cher. Ningxia government should not control to enterprises, society and the market gradually straighten out the government and the market,longchamp, the relationship between the government and society to promote the autonomous region administration according to law, to regulate government behavior. Ningxia will also promote reform and innovation of administrative examination and approval, and do a good job of matters related to the implementation and convergence of the cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval, and to further promote the standardization of administrative examination and approval of construction,hollister. (Original title: Ningxia will be canceled and adjustment of the 165 administrative approval)

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To avoid detection, the female boss car hit traffic police

I am a dignified graduate, you police the power to intercept my car,ray ban pas cher. Killed you deserve!" The afternoon of the 25th, a woman driving a violation of 19 vehicles,burberry pas cher, in order to evade the traffic police check, abusive hit by the traffic police, the police station eventually be sentenced to administrative detention for 15 days. 25 at 6 pm, the traffic police brigade police at Lo Wu Luo Chun Feng, Sun Chao Shuibei Road video evidence of illegal vehicles parked in the road, found a the Guangdong BJT64 red car parked on the roadside, woman Hwang sitting in the car within,abercrombie france. The After police approached salute requiring Hwang to produce documents and verification on this car. Hwang refused to get off, but also insulted the police officers on duty shouted: "I stopped in here,abercrombie, so what makes you check my documents " The examination by the police to the car 19 times traffic offense record has not been processed,longchamp, violations serious. When the police again ask the woman to get off with the police checks,tory burch. Hwang still ignore, but continues to abusive police. When police police motorcycle parked in front of the car,abercrombie, Hwang suddenly start car crashed into the police, the police car carrying the man was knocked to the ground. The scene in critical condition,oakley, the other a civilian police officer with a walkie-talkie to the the surrounding police on duty and 110 requests reinforcements, Hwang and quickly blocked the site to prevent its escape from,oakley lunettes. 3 minutes later, police reinforcements and the district police station police on duty rushed to the scene. At this point,tory burch outlet, Hwang is still on-site police abusive and said: "I was imposing graduate, police check what you have the power to intercept my car. Killed you deserve it,hollister uk!" Hwang abusive, police always maintained restraint and the inform Hwang several illegal untreated violations of police station site to be video evidence,hollister. Hwang hear police inform, back to the car exclaimed: "I do not get off, you try to stop my way, to put you all knocked down." In order to prevent further deterioration of the situation, the superiors leaders agree,mulberry outlet, the police Hwang summoned verbally and taken away from the mandatory, transferred to the police station. It is understood that Hwang Department of a phone Eshop self-employed boss. In the early morning of the 26th, Hwang obstructing police execution of public in accordance with the law in administrative detention for 15 days,abercrombie paris. (Reporter Shen Xiaoni correspondent Wang Plum Yang Jing)

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Men do multiple credit cards owed 13 million has been senten

​​credit cards, use of acquaintance relationship has for the eight bank's credit card. "2005-2010 early Dengmou repeatedly using eight different banks in China Everbright Bank, China Merchants Bank credit card credit card spending, cash withdrawal. "If a bank's credit card has expired, you will start with the other bank's credit card cash repayment and so shattering circulating repayment Dengmou said in the course of the trial,abercrombie, did not want to be in arrears, but later discovered that really is not on the "up to the time of the incident,abercrombie, Dengmou hold eight credit card arrears of more than 130,hollister,000 yuan. In May 2010,longchamp, the unbearable bank collection phone Dengmou resigned from the work, and to replace the phone number,hollister. In the course of the trial, Dengmou adhere said it has been in raising money to repayment After leaving Beijing, he was responsible for the train control system technology and equipment support through No,oakley. Jinan Engineering Branch signal construction team to provide high-speed rail as a signal engineer "I would like to earn some money and then come back to negotiation with the bank, and I do not intend to leave for good,air jordan." the reported victims unit, police removed contact Dengmou. February 27, 2011, the police contacted by telephone will Dengmou about to Bell Temple, Haidian District, a hot pot restaurant in front of,hollister, and summoned to the police station,abercrombie france. In the course of a hearing, Dengmou parents to repay the nearly 11 million. The court,abercrombie, after hearing that Dengmou using a credit card malicious overdraft, credit card fraud, a huge amount, his behavior constituted the crime of credit card fraud. However, in view of its ability to automatically surrendered, and truthfully confessed criminal facts, has voluntarily surrendered themselves,hollister uk, and compensation under the help of family members after the incident part of the principal,mulberry outlet, pleaded guilty to repentance good attitude,tory burch uk, it is lighter punishment. Finally, the court sentenced Dengmou credit card fraud is five years in prison and fined 100,abercrombie milano,000 yuan.

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The economists Toward the economy toward the price may rebou

's economic future will gnaw away "carriage" unlimited potential people eagerly look forward to the distribution system "major surgery" next year price trend (the) consumer whether "cocky" Next year's mid-term prices may rebound in the medium and long term to prevent higher inflation price issues of concern to everyone, Yao Jingyuan said the CPI although a marked decline in the growth rate in the second and third quarter of this year, but still can not be complacent about the rising prices, past prices in the fall, mainly because foreign economies in recession, international commodity prices did not surge, imported inflation impact on domestic prices weakened; second reason is that this year, China's grain harvest again, food for nine consecutive years of bumper harvests, prices ; Third, in recent years, led to the most important factors of price increases in food prices,abercrombie, stable food prices this year, mainly due to better food supply capacity in the market. These combined factors, to ensure that this year's CPI will likely complete the 4% target. "But we can not say that to see this year's data, it is optimistic about next year's price trends, because now, the liquidity of the entire amount of broad money is still very large, there are risks. Because of the fundamental inflation or monetary issues, so that we can not optimistic., China's economy has developed to the stage of the rising costs, the factor prices are rising, such as land prices, labor prices, rising costs in the economic field called stage will lead to cost-push inflation. " For the price trend, Tengtai said: "Taking all factors, the remainder of the year CPI fluctuations hub will further decline to just below the level of 2% annual CPI declined significantly from last year's 5.4% to about 2.6% 2013,mulberry outlet, the level of no more than 0,mulberry.5% of the tail will make the CPI continued to remain low in the first half of next year, Since then, with the effect of the apparent rebound in the price of pork, a recovery in demand and money supply, the new price accumulation of factors, into the steady upward cycle is expected to make the CPI, but the annual average of no more than 3%,tory burch. However, the lower price level will not be long-term, China's price index is expected to rebound started in the mid-2013, and possibly in mid-2014 usher in the next point of high inflation. "personal judgment, prices overall will show a steady trend in the next two years, However, due to domestic labor costs steadily rising trend in the medium and long term, we must prevent higher inflation." Lu Sui Kai, analysts say. The real estate regulation will be shaken Control the direction will not change will speed up the construction of affordable housing for eighteen after the policy direction of the real estate, Xia Bin said, this has been clearly stated in the 18th Party Congress will never change the direction of real estate control. The so-called "absolutely no change" is to resolutely crack down on real estate speculation, and to speed up the construction of social security housing. So in this issue of the people do not have unrealistic fantasies, go to the real estate sub, looking forward to the real estate to a big rebound,hollister. In addition, the housing purchase limit on administrative measures to exit when the long-term system of taxation, market when launched, he personally believed that the status of the alternative depends on the investment and steady growth. The so-called alternative investment, that is to say, in the fight against real estate speculation, in order to maintain a reasonable and stable growth, how to speed up the implementation of 36 new non-public, how to accelerate the investment of private capital into all walks of life, thus promoting the growth of investment in China, which is the key point, is also an important perspective to determine the policy orientation. Lu Sui Kai think, according to the Ministry of Housing Minister before the stand of view, "Twelve Five" period town safeguard sex housing construction target is 36 million sets, 2011 has started 10 million sets, and this year started more than 700 million units, next year plans to start the number does not will be less than 500 million sets. Gradually built a large number of security room, view from the other side, but also on the real estate market, a regulatory means. Stressed the need to continue to strengthen the protection of housing construction funds management, and insisted that the real estate market regulation policy does not relax. This means that the regulation of the real estate market in the future for a long time, still continue. Personal judgment, the possibility of future property taxes levied nationwide,abercrombie milano, this is a very important policy for the real estate market, housing prices in China rose sharply in the future is almost impossible,air jordan, prices will continue to maintain such a trend. " "The real estate market is still the focus of attention of the community, to be sure, in a long time in the future, the state will continue to adhere to the regulation of the real estate market, real estate development speed appears obvious slowdown However, its still one of the most important promoter to drive economic growth. This is urbanization. "Ye Tan to such analysis. Consumer can become the main force of the new carriage The consumer role will significantly enhance another to promote the "engine" of the Chinese economy is urbanization, investment, exports and consumption has been hailed as pulling the "troika" of the Chinese economy. With China gradually into a well-off society in an all-round way, "carriage" configuration will be what kind of changes it Lu Sui Kai said, together, a few years ago China's economic growth mainly depend on the stimulation of investment, the proportion of small consumption among the troika. However, with the completion of a well-off society, consumption driven economic growth will play an increasingly important role. It should be noted that the proportion of consumer-driven role will be improved significantly, but still will not exceed the investment and export. "With the rise of the new consumer power in China after 70, 80, 90, these populations will become the core of the future consumption of this consumer group in the high-end consumer demand, changes in their consumption concept,longchamp, more and more demands fashion, health, green, fast and have higher expectations of consumption concept gradually developed to meet the daily consumption from the enjoyment and consumption. should arouse the attention of the relevant businesses. "Lu Sui Kai said. Li Daokui also more optimistic about the industry and consumer, he said, the next three years, the development potential of the consumer industry should not be underestimated, as say the home of high-end services, and Internet-related industries, such as electricity suppliers, logistics industry will continue to develop. Wensheng Peng also said that since last year, consumption of the overall economic growth in the contribution exceeds the investment, therefore optimistic about the consumer industry. Point for future economic growth,abercrombie france, Niu Li believes that China is in the process of transition from the industrialized mid-to late industrialization, a long period of time, by 2020 China's economy basically achieve industrialization, industrialization of the upgrade is still China's economy one of the main driving force of the development. "At this stage of the basic necessities of life such as industry demand has not yet been fully saturated, particularly natural gas, car ownership and still rising per capita housing space, that is, not completed industrialization, industrialization but also to boost China's economy for some time. "Niu Li seems, another to promote the" engine "of the Chinese economy is urbanization. "The level of urbanization in China is now only 51.3%, the level of urbanization between 30-70%, is the industrialization of high-speed growth period, with the urbanization process moves forward, the city roads,hollister uk, bridges,tory burch outlet, housing, and demand for public facilities there will be a new growth,ray ban pas cher, this demand will promote the accelerated development of the economy. "income distribution system gnaw" the cake " The core is to break the monopoly policy will slowly penetrate narrow the gap between rich and poor, China's social structure gradually formed the social structure of the olive, that is, to allow more people to become middle layer, rich and poor, the middle of the crowd . Well, the future reform of the income distribution system Can tackle difficult, better share of the bigger "cake" it The public eagerly look forward to the distribution system "major surgery". Lu Sui Kai think, according to information revealed, the reform of the income distribution in accordance with "reflects the large requirements and setting up a big framework to solve a big problem, exerted" specific details but also by the relevant laws and modify and the improvement of the system to be fully implemented. However, it should be pointed out that the reform of the income distribution have to break the monopoly of the industry. Only in this way can only be a fundamental solution to the distribution of income. Income distribution reform is not to be forced to reduce the income of the petroleum, petrochemical, power, finance and other industries, but to break the monopoly and open competition, open to all monopoly industries, especially in the monopoly sectors of society deeply criticized barriers to entry,louboutin, unimpeded access for all the wishes of the people owned the only way to fundamentally activate these monopolies to allow more people to enjoy the income, and thus from the side. "Lu Sui Kai said. Xia Bin, believes that the current government is relatively limited financial resources, especially in the economic growth rate down, fiscal revenue situation is more telling. Meanwhile, the reform of the income distribution in the process, the program also did not come out. In my opinion that even if the reform of the income distribution, under the environment of a large number of Chinese exports to reduce, through the reform of the income distribution, to make up for reduced exports in the past, this may be very difficult. From these perspectives,tory burch uk, the economic difficulties still exist, at least in the first half of next year. Thus, next year's economic situation is not optimistic, may still be among the tangle of steady growth and adjust the structure, equilibrium, so the GDP growth rate of about 7% to 8%, should not expect to have higher growth. Lu Shan ice wealth with the people, must be able to let the residents really have the capacity and conditions of disposable wealth. Promote the reform of the distribution system to change China's current labor income to capital income is far below the status quo. Now too little labor income accounted for about 20%, about 79% of the capital income is too high. "Work is the father of wealth, therefore, it must be emphasized that the strengthening of labor income from the distribution system. In addition to breaking the monopoly industries should introduce more funds involved. Lu Shan ice personal judgment, the reform of the income distribution system is a daunting and arduous task for something, even if the future will exit policy, but the speed and intensity will not be too much, too fast, the policy will slowly infiltrate gradually to cover the various industries . This group of articles written by this reporter Hu Xiaojun Liu Peng Gu Zherui

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